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25.04.2024 25 kwietnia 2024

REMEDy 2021 FOR CONTAMINATED SITES on Brownfield Site Development

29 września 2021

REMEDy 2021 will focus on Brownfield development. Poland’s continued economic growth and shifts brought on by impacts from COVID have created a demand for industrial property development closer to city centers across Poland. Poland is at a juncture where it must weigh the need to support economic expansion with the long-term impacts. What is best for Poland? Sustainable growth is the only smart answer to these demands where new investment ought to focus on brownfields rather than greenfield.

The 2021 edition of REMEDy will focus on brownfield site development that offers an opportunity for strategic sustainable development of urban structures or adversely impacted properties with broader socio-economic developmental goals. Brownfields demand an integrated approach from environmental professionals, legal experts, property developers, designers/architects, regulators, and policy makers to creatively transform urban and harmful properties into productive assets. Such developments eliminate from communities dangerous properties with health concerns and replaces them with positive community resources.

Brownfields act as obstacles to growth, a deterrent to the development of larger areas within cities and even to a city itself. Impediments to development include those from contaminants in soil, water and/or air. The conversion of brownfields lessens health risks to residents, workers, and the surrounding environment. The return from converting brownfields pays back developers by giving them access to strategically located properties, to governmental agencies by removing environmentally impacted sites, to municipalities through the creation of economic engines from fallow lands, and to communities by removing adverse health impacts. Brownfield development is quantified by measuring the number of times an investment is paid back.

The advantages of brownfield development include utilization of existing resources at project locations, access to local infrastructure (roads, electrical, water, health, educational) and access to a local workforce. Firms investing in brownfield development enjoy productive community relationships and fulfill corporate social responsibilities by engaging in best industry practice that benefit the greatest number.

Participants to REMEDy 2021 will hear about the many facets of brownfield development. A chance to discuss and explore this timely issue from an environmental, legal, regulatory, and financial perspective. REMEDy invites those from industry, government, consulting, solution providers, and academic fields to participate in this year’s REMEDy conference.

Fourth edition of REMEDy for contaminated sites will take place on 29 September 2021 – stay tuned for more information!

Informacje praktyczne

Konferencja dla specjalistów i innych zainteresowanych osób
Daty: 29 września 2021
Cena: Udział w wydarzeniu jest bezpłany

On-line / Warszawa


Matthias Kadnar
Telefon: +48698032664
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