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25.04.2024 25 kwietnia 2024

Group leader for biophotonic applications group

Ogłoszenie wygasło
Pracodawca: ENSEMBLE3 sp. z o. o. Numer referencyjny: 29989 Data publikacji: 17 czerwca 2021 Lokalizacja: Warszawa - Mazowieckie Rodzaj umowy: - Doświadczenie: - Branże:
Przemysł i inżynieria: Chemia, chemia fizyczna, fizyka
Środowisko naturalne, bioróżnorodność: Badania naukowe

Opis stanowiska

Project description:
Applications are invited for scientists to lead the group: Biophotonic Applications. This group will be responsible for expanding applications for materials developed in the project and the Centre to biophotonic elements and devices, which will be beyond the-state-of-the art in modern photonics and optoelectronics. Various properties and functionalities of the crystal-growth materials which will be developed in the Centre have already been demonstrated. These could be developed into biophotonic applications, in addition to anticipated new ideas from the group leader and group members. Proposing novel ideas for crystal-growth based materials with a potential for acting as biophotonic elements and devices; demonstration of unique optical phenomena and the potential use of such materials in biological applications including cancer diagnosis and health improvement will be the main scope of this group.

Key responsibilities:

  • Establishing and supervising the research group,
  • Organizing and carrying out research efforts that will place the centre at the forefront of scientific developments worldwide,
  • Collaborating with other groups in the centre,
  • Disseminating results to the public and scientific communities,
  • Applying for funding,
  • Seeking industrial collaborations.


Profile of candidate/requirements:
  • A doctorate in a discipline relevant to the research agenda pursued at the Centre,
  • Outstanding research achievements reflected by the publication record,
  • Leadership skills required to build and manage the research group,
  • Proven excellent skills in bringing research funding,
  • Expertise in the biomedical applications of materials such as, i.e., chemical/biological sensors,
  • Openness to internal and external collaborations,
  • Extensive scientific institution/people network to build extended international collaboration.


We offer:
  • Full-time employment,
  • Opportunity to work in an innovative scientific environment,
  • International cooperation with experienced researchers,
  • Start-up package and funds allocated to running your group and recruiting other group members such as postdocs, PhD, and MSc students,
  • Administrative support for recruiting, visa and related documentation,
  • Access to well - staffed core facilities.

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ENSEMBLE3 sp. z o. o.

Spółka Ensemble3 Sp. z.o.o to nowopowstałe Centrum Doskonałości w zakresie nanofotoniki, zaawansowanych materiałów i nowoczesnych technologii opartych na wzroście kryształów, zlokalizowane w Warszawie. Centrum powstało i działa we współpracy z partnerami z kraju i zagranicy w ramach Programu Teaming for Excellence finansowanego przez Komisję Europejską oraz Programu Międzynarodowych Agend Badawczych finansowanego przez Fundację na rzecz Nauki Polskiej. Centrum pracuje nad rozwojem nowatorskich technologii materiałowych i nowoczesnych materiałów o wyjątkowych właściwościach elektromagnetycznych, które mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w takich dziedzinach, jak fotonika, optoelektronika, telekomunikacja, konwersja energii słonecznej, medycyna i lotnictwo.

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