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20.04.2024 20 kwietnia 2024

Environmental Specialist

Ogłoszenie wygasło
Pracodawca: Mentor Consulting Sp. z o.o. Środowiskowa sp.k. Numer referencyjny: 1-01-2021 Data publikacji: 17 marca 2021 Lokalizacja: Grodzisk Mazowecki - Mazowieckie Rodzaj umowy: Umowa o pracę (Indefinite period) Doświadczenie: Mniej niż rok Branże:
Gospodarka odpadami: Ewidencja, raporty
Zarządzanie środowiskiem: Doradztwo, audyty, consulting, Sprawozdania, ewidencje, kontrole

Opis stanowiska

  • Cooperation with waste collecting companies: contracts, required permits, negotiation of financial conditions
  • Supervision of records and segregation of waste generated in company, employee training
  • Management of BDO platform, organizing waste collection, updates
  • Registration usage of water, sewage, electricity, waste consumption for the annual KPI analysis in environmental area in company

  • Register of Safety Data Sheets of chemicals (verification of waste management, releases to the environmental)
  • Register/ update of environmental aspects
  • Register of consumption of raw materials needed to calculate the emissions: paints, catalysts, solvents, oil to electrical discharge machine, polymers, gas for the boiler, LPG, fuels and diesel fuels for company cars
  • Register of the mass of packaging introduced to the Polish market, introduced to the foreign market, packaging imported from abroad, packaging buying from Poland. Data provided to the Rekopol organization that realizes the obligation to recover and recycle packaging waste and conduct public educational campaigns
  • Authorization for matter related to obtaining administrative permits (emission introduction, waste generation), preparation of necessary documentation, control over adapting company standards to requirements of above permits
  • Cooperation with other departments regarding matters related to environmental in company

  • Company representation and cooperation with government institutions, obtaining and submitting necessary documentation
  • Supervision/update of documentation and requirements of ISO 14 001:2015
  • Recertification audit of ISO 14 001:2015
  • Preparation of reports: Marshal’s Office (emission consumption statement, waste consumption statement), Rekopol Packaging Recovery Organization, Kobize, GUS-01, GUS-02b, GUS-06 *
  • Following regulations in the field of environmental law


  • Experience: less than one year


  • Employment contract

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Mentor Consulting Sp. z o.o. Środowiskowa sp.k.

Mentor Consulting Sp. z o. o. Środowiskowa Sp. k. is a company with long-standing experience in environmental management, covering a wide range of issues that accompany investment processes: from environmental risk assessment, through execution supervision, to active environmental protection activities. We conduct our business on many levels, relying on the knowledge and experience of an interdisciplinary team of experts.
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