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19.05.2024 19 maja 2024

PhD students at Optical Nanocharacterization group

Ogłoszenie wygasło
Pracodawca: ENSEMBLE3 sp. z o. o. Numer referencyjny: 42548 Data publikacji: 12 października 2021 Lokalizacja: Warszawa - Mazowieckie Rodzaj umowy: - Doświadczenie: 1-3 lata Branże:
Przemysł i inżynieria: Inżynieria materiałowa

Opis stanowiska

Job describtion:

Two PhD student positions are open in the “Optical Nanocharacterization” group, led by Dr. Johann Toudert. The group will unveil outstanding and useful optical properties at the nanoscale in innovative materials such as those developed at the Centre. It will contribute at demonstrating novel design concepts opening the path to materials and devices with unprecedented performance. A special attention will be paid to: (i) plasmonic, polaritonic, epsilon-near-zero, high refractive index, cavity, and hybrid optical phenomena; (ii) managing the harvesting and emission of light; (iii) controlling and harnessing the propagation, confinement, polarization, and spectrum of light. These properties will be explored across the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared ranges in advanced materials such as eutectic metamaterials or glasses doped with nanostructures. The exploration will be undertaken by state-of-the-art optical spectroscopy approaches (such as s-SNOM, nano- and micro- FTIR, TERS, TEF, time-resolved confocal fluorescence microscopy, micro-spectrometry). Advanced numerical analysis methods (such as transfer matrix, FEM, FDTD, effective medium, fitting, inverse problem, optimization) will be harnessed to understand the nanoscale physical origin of the measured optical properties and propose new ideas.  

Key responsibilities:

  • Perform experiments and analytical work for the development of innovative materials with special optical properties
  • Address the physical origin of these properties in relation with the material structure, composition, and other properties (e.g., electronic) at the nanoscale
  • Participate in data presentation, writing of manuscripts, lab meetings, seminars, conferences


Profile of candidates/requirements:

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in the field of physics, optics, material science, or similar
  • Laboratory experience of at least one of the following disciplines will be a plus: optical spectroscopy, photonics, material fabrication
  • Scientific programming skills will be a plus
  • Strong motivation for science and scientific research
  • Willingness to learn and take new challenges, proactive approach to perform tasks and reach objectives
  • Strong ability to work independently as well as in a team, social competence, personal responsibility
  • Strong communication skills in English

Required application documents:

CV with a full list of publications and projects; Proof of suitable diploma; Cover letter specifying what motivates you for joining the group, how you meet the search criteria, your preferred thesis proposal and what motivates you in this proposal; Names and contact details of two or more researchers or professors who may act as referees.

Application deadline: until positions are filled

Competitive candidates will be interviewed before the appointments are made.


We offer:

  • Innovative scientific environment
  • Outstanding facilities
  • International cooperation with experienced researchers
  • Administrative support for visa and related documentation

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ENSEMBLE3 sp. z o. o.

Spółka Ensemble3 Sp. z.o.o to nowopowstałe Centrum Doskonałości w zakresie nanofotoniki, zaawansowanych materiałów i nowoczesnych technologii opartych na wzroście kryształów, zlokalizowane w Warszawie. Centrum powstało i działa we współpracy z partnerami z kraju i zagranicy w ramach Programu Teaming for Excellence finansowanego przez Komisję Europejską oraz Programu Międzynarodowych Agend Badawczych finansowanego przez Fundację na rzecz Nauki Polskiej. Centrum pracuje nad rozwojem nowatorskich technologii materiałowych i nowoczesnych materiałów o wyjątkowych właściwościach elektromagnetycznych, które mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w takich dziedzinach, jak fotonika, optoelektronika, telekomunikacja, konwersja energii słonecznej, medycyna i lotnictwo.

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