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08.05.2024 08 maja 2024

Assistant research professor of water management

Ogłoszenie wygasło
Pracodawca: Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - PIB Numer referencyjny: Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta 3/2019 Data publikacji: 24 maja 2019 Lokalizacja: Warszawa - Mazowieckie Rodzaj umowy: Umowa o pracę Doświadczenie: 5-10 lat Branże:
Woda: Gospodarowanie wodami
Środowisko naturalne, bioróżnorodność: Badania naukowe
Edukacja i komunikacja: Działalność pozarządowa / humanitarna

Opis stanowiska

DESCRIPTION (topics, expectations, remarks):
The candidate should have knowledge and professional experience of the activities of IMGW-PIB in the issues relating to the activities of the NHMS (PSHM) and also have knowledge of laws and procedures related to environmental engineering issues. Should have documented scientific publications the field of environment engineering, water management, water quality and documented participation in research projects. From the candidate it is expected in particular: experience and suitability to take part in the work of research teams, represent the Institute on national and foreign forums, expert activities, develop cooperation with other national scientific units and international cooperation. In particular, the candidate should have experience in cooperating with international organizations.


I. Conditions of the competition for the position

Candidates must meet the requirements for appointment as assistant professor posted in the Act of 27th July 2005. – Law on Higher Education (Dz.U.2017.2183 as amended) and the Act of 30th April 2010 –about research institutes (Dz.U.2018.736, Art. 43, paragraph 7 as amended).

II. Required documents:

1. Application for appointment to the position.
2. Curriculum vitae.
3. Summary of professional accomplishments
4. Education confirmed ownership:
Ph.D. in Environmental engineering (a copy of the diploma)
5. Professional experience in the field
  • Conducting research confirmed by:▪ List of publications scientific and technical reports, included minimum 3 items from list A(min. 20 items )
  • Be a part of research teams confirmed by:
▪ experience of working connected with meteorology and climatology (min. 7 years)
▪ a list of research indicating the role of candidate in these works (min. 10 items)
▪ work experience directly associated with scientific research (min. 7 items).
  • Environmental engineering confirmed by:
▪ a list of research indicating the role of candidate in these works (min. 3 items)
▪ work experience directly associated with research (min. 3 years).
  • Geography, confirmed by:
▪ List of documents related to the specialization climatology, meteorology with the indication the role of candidate in these works (min. 15 items ) in the field:
• determining the impact of predicted climate changes on: water cycle of selected river basins, intensity of water erosion processes, quality of flowing waters;
- calibration, verification and validation of environmental models of water quality;
- assessment of the quality of environmental mathematical models using statistical tools;
- analysis of the impact of land use types on the quality of surface waters;
- scenario analyzes of climate change and land use in river basins and determination of their impact on surface water quality;
- studies on the temporal-spatial distribution and dynamics of the propagation of biogenic compounds in surface waters;
- analysis of the impact of agricultural management methods in the basin on pollution in surface waters;
▪ Work experience directly associated with research on the field of environmental engineering (min. 3 years).
6. The professional qualifications confirmed by:
  • work experience in positions requiring skills to work in teams (min. 5 years);
  • certificate completed trainings, practices, etc;
  • recommendation letter
7. Knowledge of a foreign language;
  •  Demonstrate knowledge of a modern foreign language in speech and writing and fluent knowledge of the Polish language (concerns foreigners)
8. Signed information clause.

Inne informacje

III. The competition will be conducted in the form of an interview, during which the candidate knowledge environmental engineering in the field of environmental engineering, water management and water quality discipline will be checked.

IV. Documents should be submitted not later than 21st June till 12:00 a.m. to the Secretary Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute, 61 Podleśna str., 01-673 Warszawa, POLAND, (in the case of postal
delivery Secretary receiving stamp date decides) with a note on the envelope „Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta 3/2019”.

Additional comments:
• The competition conclusion will take place until 28th June,2019
• Candidates will be informed about the invitation to the interview by e-mail (to the address they included in the application documents and call). The IMGW-PIB does not reimburse the cost of the trip/hotel.
• Please sign the information clause. Offers that do not include a clause will not be considered.
• IMGW-PIB does not provide a business flat.
• We kindly inform you that we will contact only selected candidates.
• Additional information can be obtained at tel. (22) 56-94-137.

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Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - PIB

Do podstawowych statutowych zadań Instytutu należy prowadzenie prac naukowo-badawczych oraz służb państwowych w dziedzinach: meteorologii, hydrologii, oceanologii, gospodarki i inżynierii wodnej, jakości zasobów wodnych, gospodarki ściekowej, utylizacji osadów ściekowych.
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