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26.04.2024 26 kwietnia 2024

1st International Conference on Environmental and Astronomical Light Pollution EALPO 2019

20 września 2019

Topic of the conference concerns the problem of light pollution defined as:
- inconveniences caused by artificial lighting excessive or improper use,
- any negative impact of artificial lighting, such as: dazzling, trespassing, excessive lighting, reduced visibility, sky glow and waste of energy,
- changes in the level of environmental lighting due to the use of various artificial light source,
- introduction of artificial light into the environment.

The aim of the conference is to present the light pollution as an interdisciplinary problem and to discuss the methods of minimizing this phenomenon and its negative effects.

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Konferencja dla specjalistów
Daty: od 20 września 2019 do 21 września 2019



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