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04.05.2024 04 maja 2024

Baltic Chemistry Conference. Zmiana terminu wydarzenia na rok 2023

27 maja 2023

The Baltic Chemistry Conference is an international student-doctoral conference that aims to increase the scientific potential of young scientists. The conference is completely free for speakers and passive participants. At BCC, young speakers from different countries (students, doctoral and young scientists) can present their research results or a problem on popular science topics. The conference is online due to COVID-19 pandemics.
We invite all chemists and ecologists from all over the world and especially Europe to present their scientific research. We will strive to make the conference one of the world’s top conferences of choice for graduate students and postdocs.
Baltic Chemistry Conference is a free student-doctoral scientific conference, which is organized by the organizations of the University of Gdansk. As part of the participation, each participant will receive a certificate of participation and presentation.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference takes place online on the Microsoft Teams platform. You can actively participate in the conference by giving a presentation or poster, or passively as a listener.

Informacje praktyczne

Konferencja dla szerokiej publiczności
Daty: od 27 maja 2023 do 28 maja 2023
Cena: Udział w wydarzeniu jest bezpłatny

Online on Microsoft Teams

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